Seems I lost a post I wrote over two days this week. GRRRR! That's what I get for being impatient and closing an app before it says it's done.
The weather here has been BEAUTIFUL!!! The only problem is that I know it has to end and most likely will this weekend. Which happens to be our church soccer weekend when we want it nice out. I'd love to say I got a lot done around here but you so. Oh I did manage to put dents in things but they've been undone already. One of my goals is to get the pool hooked up so I can start that yearly battle. Wish I could dump the water I'm hauling out of the basement ( washer incident) into the pool to help it get filled faster. I don't think we want to turn the pool into a bubble spa right now though. I've had Gabe here quite a few days this last week. It's so nice to get cuddle time with him.
Grandpa gives the best airplane rides!
On Monday I took Danielle and Sean to play on the playground at church while Eileen and Olivia were at soccer practice.
I finally got my behind over to the pool this morning ( Tuesday)! My arms got a good work out. Allison had Tuesday off. After running some errands we ended up taking Meg over to the church playground to run off some steam.
It's now Thursday and I'm happy to say I made it to the pool again Wednesday! I couldn't today because Carrie had a doctor's appointment first thing today. It's bugging me that I didn't go.... that's a good thing. I am so out of shape! I couldn't do the crawl for their full length of the pool and back! Me, the fish. Someone who's swam for over a mile before. Makes me want to cry. Instead I'll just work on getting some of that old me back! As of now I've decided I still want to go to the rec center pool during the summer. Our pool here isn't long enough to get a decent amount of strokes in before having to turn around. We'll see if it's still my thoughts once summer vacation starts.
I need another day added to this week! I don't haven't enough hours in the day to get everything done. Laundry, so we'll have clothes to wear this weekend. Grocery shopping so we can eat and the kids won't starve while Tom and I are gone to South Carolina... if we go. Picking up and watching baby Gabe. Plus the regular stuff... making dinner and cleaning... oh and maybe sleeping. I won't even be here for Mother's Day. I'm working breakfast at church and then heading to the ball park to work. At least I'll be close to my parents' house and can stop to visit my mom. At least I have a mom to visit. I hate this time of year for Tom and his siblings. My lilacs are almost in full bloom. They remind me so much of my mother-in-law. That and all the garage sale signs. It's not the same going without her.
Don't really want to end on a somber note but I need to take Val to work and I don't want this to sit on my phone any longer. I'll end with a picture of Meg and Gabe. Because you can't help smile looking at them. :o)
The weather here has been BEAUTIFUL!!! The only problem is that I know it has to end and most likely will this weekend. Which happens to be our church soccer weekend when we want it nice out. I'd love to say I got a lot done around here but you so. Oh I did manage to put dents in things but they've been undone already. One of my goals is to get the pool hooked up so I can start that yearly battle. Wish I could dump the water I'm hauling out of the basement ( washer incident) into the pool to help it get filled faster. I don't think we want to turn the pool into a bubble spa right now though. I've had Gabe here quite a few days this last week. It's so nice to get cuddle time with him.
Grandpa gives the best airplane rides!
On Monday I took Danielle and Sean to play on the playground at church while Eileen and Olivia were at soccer practice.
I finally got my behind over to the pool this morning ( Tuesday)! My arms got a good work out. Allison had Tuesday off. After running some errands we ended up taking Meg over to the church playground to run off some steam.
It's now Thursday and I'm happy to say I made it to the pool again Wednesday! I couldn't today because Carrie had a doctor's appointment first thing today. It's bugging me that I didn't go.... that's a good thing. I am so out of shape! I couldn't do the crawl for their full length of the pool and back! Me, the fish. Someone who's swam for over a mile before. Makes me want to cry. Instead I'll just work on getting some of that old me back! As of now I've decided I still want to go to the rec center pool during the summer. Our pool here isn't long enough to get a decent amount of strokes in before having to turn around. We'll see if it's still my thoughts once summer vacation starts.
I need another day added to this week! I don't haven't enough hours in the day to get everything done. Laundry, so we'll have clothes to wear this weekend. Grocery shopping so we can eat and the kids won't starve while Tom and I are gone to South Carolina... if we go. Picking up and watching baby Gabe. Plus the regular stuff... making dinner and cleaning... oh and maybe sleeping. I won't even be here for Mother's Day. I'm working breakfast at church and then heading to the ball park to work. At least I'll be close to my parents' house and can stop to visit my mom. At least I have a mom to visit. I hate this time of year for Tom and his siblings. My lilacs are almost in full bloom. They remind me so much of my mother-in-law. That and all the garage sale signs. It's not the same going without her.
Don't really want to end on a somber note but I need to take Val to work and I don't want this to sit on my phone any longer. I'll end with a picture of Meg and Gabe. Because you can't help smile looking at them. :o)