I seem to be pretty good at wasting time lately. Actually not lately, I've always been good at it. It's now just obvious because all my excuses are gone for the day. It's beautiful out....I was going to go for a walk...but I haven't. It's the day before payday...I was going to plan out my shopping list....but I haven't. My kitchen is less then sparkling...but here I sit. My bathrooms need some TLC...later. I did manage to get some laundry in...woohooo! Go me! I really have no idea why I'm doing this. I'd blame it on depression but depressed over what!?!? I WANT to get back to crocheting, but I'm not sure where my hooks are. I WANT to get my (actually Liz's) sewing machine out, but it's still in a pillowcase on the kitchen floor. Can someone send over a case of dynamite PLEASE!
This weekend is going to be a busy one. We have our fall conference at church so most of the kids and I will be gone. Tom is on call so not much help in the driving department, luckily Val has Saturday off. Matt's (Val's boyfriend) grandmother passed away yesterday so there will probably be a wake we'll have to attend. Liz, AJ and their roommate found out on Monday that they have to be out of their apartment by Sunday and asked for help moving/cleaning. You wouldn't think it was a surprise since their lease runs out at the end of Sept. BUT They were in the middle of negotiating a 5 month extension since AJ's original start to basic training was set for April. Then his contract came with the date pushed up to the end of January. Luckily they hadn't signed anything because their landlady said NO to a 2 month extension instead....5 months or they're done. So they are done and moving into AJ's parents' house. That means Liz won't have a way to get to Chipolte's and can't give them 2wks notice. She's trying to get back into the nursing home in the small city where she worked before moving out. She also has a possibility of watching a baby for a decent amount a week. We're both hoping the girl is still looking for a babysitter! The money is so decent that I said I'd do it if she wasn't going to.
The kids have been so much fun lately. Sean has been obsessed with duplos. Two nights ago he went to bed with a pet tiger he built. He's always bringing me a burger or birthday cake to eat. This morning he was building what I thought were little buildings. Turned out they were drinks. He managed to fill my desk with them while I was sitting here. It killed me to MAKE them stop playing this morning bso they could get ready for school. UGH! I so wish they didn't have to. But Sean balked at getting on the bus yesterday morning and I don't want to feed into that. I could see him trying to stay home every morning if I did.
After getting the kids on the bus I saw the composition of this and had to take a picture.
After getting the kids on the bus I saw the composition of this and had to take a picture.
I'm not sure why I like this picture so much. I guess it is me...on the computer with the modem roaring and kids intermingled. Carrie's med supplies and pill box. The stack of school papers and coupon books, with tape to fix things. The only 2 things missing are for the aluminum cup on the right to be replaced with my coffee cup and to have my car keys laying between the papers and the tape dispenser.
Well the kids will start coming home in an hour. I have to get something done including dinner since we have to go to the elementary school's open house tonight. Adios!